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Everything you need to get high rankings on Google. Proven, reliable and tested:

 Get started now! It’s free





 SEOprofiler offers sophisticated tools that help you to get your website on top of Google’s search results:


Powerful web page optimization tools help you to improve the rankings of your web pages on the result pages.
Up-to-date link building and link management tools that are fully compliant with the requirements of Google deliver more visitors to your website.
Comprehensive keyword research tools that help you to find the best terms for your business.
Full integration with Twitter and other social media sites enables you to protect your online reputation.
Next-generation website audit tool that automatically scans your web pages for potential problems.
Competitive intelligence tools that enable you to spy on the SEO campaigns of your competitors. SEOprofiler also offers a link disinfection tool.

Search engine optimization tools
Track your results




SEOprofiler helps you to track the results of your search engines optimization activities:

Find out how your website is ranked for your keywords on Google, Bing and Yahoo in 68 countries.
Get actionable items so that you can invest your time as efficiently as possible.
Opportunities and alerts help you to locate the keywords that will deliver the best results.
Integrates with Google Analytics for detailed website analytics.

Custom SEO reports in your company design
Impress your boss and your clients

SEOprofiler enables you to create beautiful reports in your company design for your boss and your clients. Make a good impression:


Fully customizable with your own logo, colors, headers and footers, etc.
You can send custom PDF reports, or you can offer your customers web-based reports.
The reports have no reference to SEOprofiler.
Your clients won’t find out that you use SEOprofiler to create the reports.


Try SEOprofiler now for FREE!

“There’s no better way to outplay your competitors.”

Read what other people say about SEOprofiler:

“SEOprofiler.com is a site that will make any webmaster’s day. There’s no better way to outplay your competitors.”
Review on KillerStartups.com

“I was recently searching for a reliable backlink report source and came across SEOprofiler. And, boy, am I glad I did! Not only was their site easy to use, but the intelligence it offered by way of its comprehensive report was worth it! ”
John Muehling, MobileHealthCareToday.com

“SEOprofiler was the exact tool I was looking for. I tried about 10 other tools that tried to do what SEOprofiler did 100 times better. After analyzing the data from the reports I made a few simple tweaks to my site and I moved up to the front page of Google.”
Greg Tampa, GregTampa.com


“SEOprofiler is great for site owners who are serious about their SEO efforts.”
Jeremy Moore, PCRepairShop.org

“One of the best things about SEOprofiler is the way it combines so many effective and essential SEO tools into one convenient location. With SEOprofiler, the expert can get everything he needs without having to run all over the place and the beginner can be sure he isn’t forgetting anything.

SEOprofiler is perfectly suited for managers, owners, and administrators of web sites who need to increase traffic to their sites. As far as SEO tools go, you would be hard pressed to find a more professional and more comprehensive one than SEOprofiler. We heartily give it a good four and a half stars out of five.”

Review on SEOsoftware.net

“Thanks for creating a great backlink manager tool. I was just using the one on [competitor] and their tool is far more limited and cumbersome. It dawned on me as I got frustrated that I should try your option. And it’s about to save me hours of work. So thank you!”
Eddy Salomon, InternetMarketingSmarts.com

“I was blown away by the simplicity of use, and information being given out.”
Jordan Kovats, TheSeoGuys.ca

“SEOprofiler is a great tool. I started using it a week ago and I find that the tools are high quality.”
Paolo Cappucci, Webhorizons.it

“ SEOprofiler has taken several very effective SEO tools and made them all available in one place. It is a powerful collection of tools for those seeking to optimize website traffic. […] Web site owners and managers who want to make use of SEO to increase traffic to their sites will benefit from SEOprofiler. ”
Review on AppAppeal.com

“I definitely believe my SEO efforts are more focused since using SEOprofiler.”
Linsey Knerl, 1099mom.com

“SEOprofiler is a cool service that allows you to get a lot of information about your competitors’ backlinks, rankings and AdWords ads.”
Nicola Deiana, the3dtechnologies.com

“I wanted to let you all know what a great product you have created. My company places permanent dentists in the United States and we were looking for a something to help us with search engine optimization.

We found your program online and have been very impressed with what it has done for us so far and how easy it is to use. We immediately took the programs recommendations for internal website changes and that has moved us up 30 spots for the search term we were looking for. […]

SEO profiler is very well thought out and well done. Your staff deserves praise, because it is simple and easy to use and allows anyone to improve their rankings. I want to thank you for what you have created and let you know I plan to continue with you all in the future. Thanks again and great job!”
Jeremy LaPine, CEO, BlueJayStaffing.com

“SEOprofiler […] can substantially improve a company’s SEO campaigns. In addition, the program offers detailed, aesthetically pleasing reporting features that are useful for displaying data generated by this software suite.”
Entrepreneur.com on NBCnews.com


Try SEOprofiler now for FREE!

More than 50,000 small and large businesses use SEOprofiler to get high rankings on Google.



“How To Start a Social Media Routine – A Method To Your Madness”

By Shaun Hinklein

So its Monday morning and you’re back into your social media routine. You might not refer to it as a social media routine yet. Maybe its just random checking here and there on Twitter mentions,

Facebook likes, and shared content on Pinterest and Tumblr, but did you ever think of creating a method to the madness?

Social media never sleeps and if you were so allowed you’d be able to contribute and evolve your campaigns using it 24-7. Since you can’t (unless you’re a super cool robot) it is best to spend your time wisely. Creating a routine doesn’t mean there is anything set in stone and you can customize this to your liking anytime.

Here is just a bit of my current social media routine. Maybe it’ll help you guide your own campaigns.

Optimize and Report any Social Media Ads

The first thing before getting into community engagement is to check up on any ads I’m running. This includes Facebook ads, Twitter ads, LinkedIn ads, and Google AdWords buys. Instead of just collecting data to analyze for a report I’ll also make changes based on the weekends performance.

This can take some time so its normally why I knock this out first thing in the morning. Creating content and engaging brand ambassadors will have to wait. If ads are running they are my top priority. I want to make sure the money is being well spent and targeted towards the right users.

Twitter Mentions and Facebook Tags

Twitter mentions and Facebook tags (along with a slew of other metrics) are just two examples of users mentioning the brand or interacting with the campaign. For this action I react by either mentioning them directly, replying, or showcasing them.

This goes hand in hand with reputation management. With the good comes the bad comments that might hinder the brands digital identity. This will also be the damage control segment of the day, though this is ongoing considering it can occur at anytime.

What helps me find these before anyone else is an intense obsession with Google Alerts, Sprout Social, and Google Trends. Hootsuite works as well, but you’ll have to stay diligent and refresh the streams.

Create and Share Content

Now comes the part I enjoy the most when it comes specifically to social media; content creation and syndication. There are a few steps here

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